Book No. |
Title |
Author |
8 | Victorian Comfort. A Social History of D... | Gloag, John |
28 | Japanese Gardens, Right Angle and Natura... | Nitschke, Günte |
209 | Gardening Guides: Borders | Hobhouse, Penelope |
210 | Creating Period Gardens | Banks, Elizabeth |
215 | Wood and Garden: Notes and Thoughts, Pra... | Jekyll, Gertrude |
216 | Colour Schemes for the Flower Garden | Jekyll, Gertrude |
229 | My Garden's Choice of Rock Plants, Trees... | Stephens, Theo A. & Johnson, A.T. |
245 | The Modern Garden | Taylor, Geoffrey |
249 | Colour Planning of the Garden | Tinley, George F. |
254 | The Rock Garden and Alpine Plants | Phillips, G.A.R. |
331 | When I Make a Garden. | Hancock, Ralph |
334 | Art of the Formal Garden | Van Der Horst, Arend Jan |
340 | Flower Grouping in English, Scotch and I... | Waterfield, Margaret |
342 | The Renaissance Garden in England | Strong, Roy |
367 | Victorian Taste: Some Social Aspects of ... | Gloag, John |
396 | Landscape Gardening: Planning - Construc... | Sudell, Richard |
397 | Garden Making By Example | Taylor, Geoffrey |
407 | Rock Gardens and Alpine Plants Including... | Sanders, T.W. |
411 | The Herbaceous Garden | Martineau, Alice |
426 | The Landscaped Rock and Water Garden | Orme, Frank. W. |
427 | Wall and Water Gardens with Chapters on ... | Jekyll, Gertrude |
1511 | Railway Design Since 1830 (Volume 2) | Haresnape, Brian |
1540 | Living Under Glass | Tresidder, Jane & Cliff, Stafford |
2196 | Railway Design Since 1830 | Haresnape, Brian |
3117 | Eighteenth-Century Decoration | Smith, Charles Samumarez |
3249 | Railway Design Since 1830 | Haresnape, Brian |
4568 | Concrete Mix Design | McIntosh, J D |
4569 | Theory and Problems of Materials | JR, Ayres, Frank |
4574 | A Tradition of Excellence 1960-1985 | Unknown Author |
5492 | Electric Winders | Broughton, H. H. |
5551 | 'OO' Gauge Layout and Design | Carter, E. F. |
5899 | Glasshouses and Winter Gardens of the Ni... | Koppelkamm, Stefan |
6377 | A View from a Window | Angel, Heather |
6378 | The English Vision the Picturesque in Ar... | Watkin, David |
6949 | Gertrude Jekyll a Memoir | Jekyll, Francis |
7588 | Patios and Pools | Unknown Author |
7644 | Wood and Garden: Notes and Thoughts, Pra... | Jekyll, Gertrude |
7886 | The English Country Chair | Sparkes, Ivan |
7895 | English Colour Books | Hardie, Martin |
8291  | The Inspiration of the Past : Country Ho... | Cornforth, John |
8399 | A History of Design in Painted Glass | Westlake, N. H. J. |
8555 | Terence Conran's France | Conran, Terence |
8557 | Diagrams | Lockwood, Arthur |
8856 | Georgian Grace a Social History of Desig... | Gloag, John |
8915 | Glass & Metalware | Chapter, Joey (ed.) |
9018 | Wedgwood | Mankowitz, Wolf |
9187 | Drawing and Design February 1923 | Unknown Author |
9191 | Investing in Silver | Delieb, Eric |
9192 | Silver | Holland, Margaret |
9321  | Silk Road | Franck, Irene M.; Brownstone, David M. |
9335  | The Eighteenth Century English Furniture... | Whittington, S.; Claxton Stevens, C. |
9628  | Guide Methodique Pour L'enseignement Du ... | Unknown Author |
9634  | The Flower Grower's Guide (6 vols) | Wright, John |
9906 | Exterior Design | Stephenson, Henry and Lilian |
9919 | Woodcarving and Design | Miller, Lynn |
9943 | Garden Ornament: Five Hundred Years of N... | Plumptre, George |
10097 | Fashion Drawing | Marshall, Francis |
10122 | Exhibition Design | Black, Misha |
10185 | Outdoor Design: A Handbook for the Archi... | Marlowe, Olwen C. |
10190 | Notes on the Use of B.S. 153: 3A (1954) ... | Hardy Young, J. |
10294 | Intarsia and Marquetry | Hamilton Jackson, F. |
10527  | How to Lay Out a Garden | Kemp, Edward |
10591  | Spanish Gardens | Villiers-Stuart, C. M. |
10643 | Garden Ornament: Five Hundred Years of N... | Plumptre, George |
10645 | Edwardian Garden, The | Ottewill, David |
10651 | Lady with Green Fingers: The Life of Jan... | Howe, Bea |
10656 | Gardens of China 1949 and Europe 1950 (B... | Sirén, Oswald |
10661 | The Gardens of William and Mary | Jacques, David; Allan, Helen; Van Der Ho... |
10662 | Garden and Grove | Hunt, Peter |
10664 | English Landscaping and Literature 1600-... | Malins, Edward |
10665 | Loudon and the Landscape: From Country S... | Simo, Melanie Louise |
10666 | Georgian Gardens: The Reign of Nature | Jacques, David |
10692 | British Railway Track Design, Constructi... | Hamnett, R. A. |
10725 | The Picturesque Garden and Its Influence... | Pevsner, Nikolaus |
10726 | The Islamic Garden | Elizabeth MacDougall, Richard Ettinghaus... |
10727 | The Gardens of Japan | Harada, Jiro |
10743 | Garden Craft in Europe | Triggs, H.Inigo |
10761 | Wood and Garden: Notes and Thoughts, Pra... | Jekyll, Gertrude |
10762 | Garden Design of Today | Cane, Percy S. |
10764 | The Art & Craft of Garden Making | Mawson, Thomas H. |
10770 | Mazes and Labyrinths | Matthews, W. H. |
10771 | Garden Design and architect's Gardens | Robinson, W. |
10779 | The Landscape Gardening and Landscape Ar... | Repton, Humphry |
10780 | On the Making of Gardens | Sitwell, Sir George |
10782 | The Gardens of Italy (2 vols) | Phillipps, E. March |
10792 | Humphry Repton | Stroud, Dorothy |
10913 | Gertrude Jekyll a Memoir | Jekyll, Francis |
10921 | A History of Garden Design | Clifford, Derek |
10932 | Garden Design and architect's Gardens | Robinson, W. |
10959 | Landscape Gardening: Planning - Construc... | Sudell, Richard |
10965 | The Ideal Garden | Thomas, H. H. |
10983 | Miss Gertrude Jekyll 1843-1932 : Gardene... | Jekyll, Gertrude |
10985 | A View from a Window | Angel, Heather |
10993 | Landscape & Garden Summer 1939 Vol VI No... | Sudell, Richard (ed.) |
10994 | Landscape & Garden Winter 1938 Vol V No.... | Sudell, Richard (ed.) |