Book No. |
Title |
Author |
10  | The Gardener's Assistant: Practical and ... | Thompson, Robert |
12 | The English Garden | Hyams, Edward |
13 | Great Gardens of Britain | Coats, Peter |
14 | Giardini D'Italia | Massoni, Georgina |
16 | The English Garden | Hyams, Edward |
17 | The English Garden | Hyams, Edward |
23 | The Gardens of England, in the Southern ... | Holme, Charles |
24 | The Gardens of England in the Northern C... | Holme, Charles (ed) |
26 | The Genius of the Place, The English Lan... | Dixon Hunt, John & Willis, Peter |
28 | Japanese Gardens, Right Angle and Natura... | Nitschke, Günte |
194 | Lanning Roper and His Garden | Brown, Jane |
195 | The Englishwoman's Garden | Lees-Milne, Alvilde & Verey, Rosemary |
196 | The English Garden | Fleming, Laurence & Gore, Alan |
200 | Great Gardens of Britain | Coats, Peter |
205 | The Scented Garden | Verey, Rosemary |
208 | The Rothschild Rhododendrons: a Record o... | Lucas-Phillips, C.E. & Barber, Peter N. |
210 | Creating Period Gardens | Banks, Elizabeth |
224 | Gardens of Europe | Jellicoe, Geoffrey |
225 | Our National Heritage: Gardens | Hatt, Ella |
226 | The Gardens of Buckingham Palace | Coats, Peter |
229 | My Garden's Choice of Rock Plants, Trees... | Stephens, Theo A. & Johnson, A.T. |
234 | The English Rock Garden (Both Volumes) | Farrer, Reginald |
237 | The Salad Garden | Larkcom, Joy |
238 | The Herb Garden | Garland, Sarah |
239 | Pleasures and Treasures: Gardens | Hadfield, Miles |
240 | Gardens of Delight | Sinclair Rohde, Eleanour |
243 | Gardens of a Golden Afternoon: The Story... | Brown, Jane |
246 | The Modern Garden | Taylor, Geoffrey |
247 | The Sunday Times Gardening Book | Roper, Lanning |
248 | The English Garden | Fleming, Laurence & Gore, Alan |
252 | Eminent Gardeners: Some People of Influe... | Brown, Jane |
253 | The Speaking Garden | Hyams, Edward |
289  | Gardens of England | Cook, E.T. |
290 | Gardens of Delight | Hadfield, Miles & John |
293 | The Gardener's Album | Various |
294 | Plants That Changed Our Gardens | Allan, Mea |
295 | More for Your Garden | Sackville-West, V |
298 | The English Garden | Hyams, Edward |
299 | The Well-tempered Garden | Lloyd, Christopher |
300 | Foliage Plants | Lloyd, Christopher |
301 | The Covered Garden | Lemmon, Kenneth |
302 | No Ordinary Gardener: Thomas Knowlton, 1... | Henrey, Blanche |
303 | The Little Garden: A Book for Those with... | Taylor, George M. |
310 | The Secrets of Many Gardens | Martineau, Mrs Philip |
318 | Book of the English Garden | Bisgrove, Richard |
319 | Regency Gardens | Batey, Mavis |
320 | A Glossary of Garden History | Symes, Michael |
327 | Italian Gardens of the Renaissance | Shepherd, J.C. & Jellicoe, G.A. |
329 | Irish Gardens | Hyams, Edward |
331 | When I Make a Garden. | Hancock, Ralph |
332 | Modern Gardens: British & Foreign | Cane, Percy S. |
336  | Flora and Sylva: A Monthly Review for Lo... | Robinson, W. |
340 | Flower Grouping in English, Scotch and I... | Waterfield, Margaret |
343 | Devon Gardens: An Historical Survey | Pugsley, Steven |
345 | Gardens of the National Trust | Stuart Thomas, Graham |
350 | The Gardens in the Royal Park at Windsor | Roper, Lanning |
351  | Oxford's College Gardens | Sinclair Rohde, Eleanour |
354 | English Gardens and Landscapes: 1700 - 1... | Hussey, Christopher |
357 | Irish Gardens | Hyams, Edward |
364 | Garden Open Today | Nichols, Beverley |
377 | Dorset, Hampshire and The Isle of Wight | Paterson, Allen |
390 | E.A. Bowles and His Garden at Myddelton ... | Allan, Mea |
393 | A Chalk Garden | Stern, F.C. |
397 | Garden Making By Example | Taylor, Geoffrey |
401  | The Charm of Gardens | Calthrop, Dion Clayton |
402 | Complete Guide to Home Gardens | James, M. |
407 | Rock Gardens and Alpine Plants Including... | Sanders, T.W. |
408 | Rock Gardening for Amateurs | Thomas, H.H. |
424 | Inverewe; a Garden in the North-west Hig... | Cowan, May |
431 | Medieval English Gardens | McLean, Teresa |
435 | Surrey Gardens | Parker, Eric |
444 | We Made a Garden | Fish, Margery |
447 | The Shell Gardens Book | Hunt, Peter |
448 | The Shell Gardens Book | Hunt, Peter |
457  | Gardens Old and New: The Country House a... | Various |
458 | Gardens Old and New: The Country House a... | Various |
466 | A Paradise Out of a Common Field: The Pl... | Morgan, Joan & Richards, Alison |
467 | Rock Gardens: How to Plan and Plant Them... | Edwards, A. |
471 | Gardens of Delight | Sinclair Rohde, Eleanour |
596 | The Charm of Gardens | Calthrop, Dion Clayton |
616  | Alpine Flowers and Gardens | Flemwell, G. |
617  | Gardens of England | Cook, E.T. |
618  | The Garden That I Love | Austin, Alfred |
624 | Modern Gardens: British & Foreign | Cane, Percy S. |
649 | The Town Garden | Sudell, Richard |
650 | Modern Private Gardens | Jellicoe, Geoffery & Susan |
652  | Medieval Gardens: 'flowery medes' and Ot... | Crisp, Sir Frank |
653 | Garden Ornament | Jekyll, Gertrude & Hussey, Christopher |
660 | The Shell Gardens Book | Hunt, Peter |
667 | Garden Glory | Humphris, Ted |
670 | The English Landscape Garden | Clark, H.F. |
673 | The Kitchen Garden | Lyte, Charles |
674 | The Latest Country Gardens | Plumptre, George |
687 | A Woodland Garden | Johnson, A.T. |
688 | The Gardens of Britain 4. Kent, East 7 W... | Wright, Tom |
690 | Variations on a Garden | Lane Fox, Robin |
724 | The Gardens of England in the Midland & ... | Holme, Charles |
834 | English Gardens | Avray Tipping, H. |
838  | Gardens Old and New: The Country House a... | Avray Tipping, H. |
854 | The Latest Country Gardens | Plumptre, George |