Book No. |
Title |
Author |
8 | Victorian Comfort. A Social History of D... | Gloag, John |
38 | Our Own Country: Descriptive, Historical... | Unknown Author |
44 | Life in the English Country House: A Soc... | Girouard, Mark |
46 | The Manor Houses of England | Ditchfield, P.H. |
151 | Village London - The Story of Greater Lo... | Walford, Edward |
152 | Village London - The Story of Greater Lo... | Walford, Edward |
153 | Village London - The Story of Greater Lo... | Walford, Edward |
157 | London's Natural History | Fitter, R.S.R. |
158 | Insect Natural History | Imms, A.D. |
159 | Broad Acres: A Yorkshire Miscellany | Brown, Alfred J. |
160 | Autumn and Winter | Beach Thomas, W. & Collet A.K. |
161 | The First Eden: The Mediterranean World ... | Attenborough, David |
184 | A History of the English Speaking People... | Churchill, Winston S. |
188 | The Flight of the Condor: a Wildlife Exp... | Andrews, Michael Alford |
189 | Life on Earth | Attenborough, David |
191 | The Soul of the City: London's Livery Co... | Blackham, Colonel Robert J. |
192 | Aristocrats | Lacey, Robert |
252 | Eminent Gardeners: Some People of Influe... | Brown, Jane |
328 | The English House Through Seven Centurie... | Cook, Olive |
330 | Life in the English Country House: a Soc... | Girouard, M |
366 | Life on Earth: a Natural History | Attenborough, David |
389 | Life on Earth | Attenborough, David |
419 | The Second World War (4 volumes) | Churchill, Winston S. |
472 | The Story of Mankind | Van Loon, Hendrik |
486 | The Story of the Temple: Gray's and Linc... | Blackham, Colonel Robert J. |
487 | The Bird World, Described with Pen and P... | Davenport Adams, W.H. |
491 | The Pyramids and Sphinx | Stewart, Desmond |
492 | Tower of London | Hibbert, Christopher |
493 | The Colosseum | Quennell, P |
622 | Partners in Property: a History and Anal... | Whitehouse, Brian P. |
627 | Roman Britain | Salway, Peter |
628 | Anglo Saxon England | Stenton, F.M. |
676 | A History of the English-Speaking People... | Churchill, Winston S. |
694 | The Home of Mankind: The Story of the Wo... | Van Loon, Hendrik |
710 | Proceedings of the Society of Antiquarie... | Unknown Author |
711 | Proceedings of the Society of Antiquarie... | Unknown Author |
712 | Proceedings of the Society of Antiquarie... | Unknown Author |
713 | Proceedings of the Society of Antiquarie... | Unknown Author |
714 | Proceedings of the Society of Antiquarie... | Unknown Author |
715 | Proceedings of the Society of Antiquarie... | Unknown Author |
733 | A Text-book of Zoology (both volumes) | Parker, T. Jeffrey |
749 | The Good Auld Days: The Story of Scotlan... | Irving, Gordon |
759 | Out of the Crucible; Being the Romantic ... | Unknown Author |
768 | The Structure and Classification of Bird... | Beddard, Frank E. |
786 | Camps and Cruises of an Ornithologist | Chapman, Frank M. |
787 | The Bird Notes Bedside Book | Davis, Gwen |
788 | The Seabirds of Britain and Ireland | Cramp, Stanley & Bourne, W.R.P. & Saunde... |
789 | The Ark's Anniversary | Durrell, Gerald |
796 | Little Arthur's History of France from t... | Unknown Author |
804 | The Chinese Empire (Vol 1) | Huc, M. |
845  | Kensington, Picturesque and Historical | Loftie, W.J. |
862 | The Later Greek and Graeco-Roman Statues... | Smith, A.H. |
874 | Medieval Carvings in Exeter Cathedral | Cave, C. J. P. |
884 | The Medieval Foundation | Bryant, Arthur |
886 | Protestant Island | Bryant, Arthur |
892 | The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English... | Ekwell, Eilbert |
896 | The Age Of Chivalry | Bryant, Arthur |
905 | Highways and Byways in Surrey | Parker, Eric |
978 | The Island Race | Churchill, Winston S. |
1066 | Some British Moths | Riley, Norman |
1067 | Fishes of Britain's Rivers and Lakes | Norman, J. R. |
1068 | Mountains and Moorlands | Pearsall, W. H. |
1399 | The Dark Ages | Talbot Rice, David |
1404 | Imperial Peking | Yutang, Lin |
1405 | British War Missions to the United State... | Lyddon, col. W. G. |
1406 | Abbeys | James, M. |
1407 | Castles | Oman, Charles |
1534 | Treaty of Peace Between the Allied and A... | Unknown Author |
1535 | Treaty of Peace Between the Allied and A... | Unknown Author |
1539 | Vanishing Victoriana | Lambton, Lucinda |
1653 | A Short History of the Steam Engine | Dickinson, H.W |
1671 | A Bibliography of British Railway Histor... | Ottley, George |
1672 | Railway History Map of Britain | Unknown Author |
1674 | Pictorial History of Trains | Nock, O S |
1722 | The Railways of Britain Past and Present | Nock, O S |
1764 | Historical Steam Locomotives | Nock O.S |
1776 | Railway Wonders. The Wonderful Railway E... | Allen, Cecil J |
1847 | The North Eastern Railway Its Rise and D... | Tomlinson William Weaver |
1848 | The North Eastern Railway Its Rise and D... | Tomlinson William Weaver |
1849 | A History of the Southern Railway | Marshall, Dendy |
1878 | History of the Great Western Railway Vol... | Macdermot E.T. |
1968 | Railway History of the World Italian Rai... | Kalla-Bishop,P.M |
2095 | The Early History of the Railway Locomot... | Kinder, R.W |
2162 | Railway History | Hamilton Ellis C. |
2176 | Parish and Empire Studies and Sketches | Simmons Jack |
2191 | History of the Great Western Railway (Vo... | Macdermot, E.T and Clinker,C.R |
2192 | History of the Great Western Railway (Vo... | Macdermot, E.T |
2206 | The Histroy of the Electric Locomotive | Haut, F.J.G. |
2220 | A Picture History of Railways | Hamilton Ellis C. |
2254 | The History of the Great Northern Railwa... | Grinling, Charles.H. |
2266 | Railways in Lancashire A Pictorial Histo... | Joy David |
2351 | A Short History of the Steam Engine | Dickinson, H.W. |
2352 | A Short History to the Steam Engine | Dickinson, H.W. |
2403 | Tarring a Walk Though Its History | Davies Roger |
2589 | British Railway History 1877 - 1947 | Hamilton Ellis C. |
2930 | Railway History | Hamilton Ellis C. |
2958 | Transport History | Unknown Author |
3008 | The History of the Great Northern Railwa... | Grinling, Charles H |
3073 | Our Railway History | Bucknall, Rixon |
3083  | The Pictorial History of India from 1784... | Malcolm, John |