Book No. |
Title |
Author |
276 | Green Fingers: a Present for a Good Gard... | Arkell, Reginald |
277 | More Green Fingers: Another Present for ... | Arkell, Reginald |
278 | Green Fingers Again: A Further Present f... | Arkell, Reginald |
285 | Garden Memories | Various |
417 | The Language of the Garden; a Personal A... | Scott-James, Anne |
861 | Collected Poems of Moira O'neill | O'Neill, Moira |
1549 | Quiet Thoughts | Strong, Patience |
1552 | 1914 & Other Poems | Brooke, Rupert |
3545 | When We Were Very Young | Milne, A. A. |
3639 | Poetry of the English-Speaking World | Aldington, Richard (ed) |
3645 | The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser (6 ... | Upton |
4685 | The Poetical Works of Henry Wadsworth Lo... | Unknown Author |
5521 | Fifty-one Poems | Webb, Mary |
5733 | Personae of Ezra Pound | Mauberley, H.S |
5734 | The Development of Personality | Jung, C.G |
5735 | Adonais, | Shelley, Percy Bysshe & Wise, Thomas |
5736 | The Heart's Journey | Sassoon Siegfried |
5737 | 3 Vols | Larkin, Philip |
5738 | The Veil and Other Poems | Mare, WalterDe. La |
5739 | Leonard Cohen Poems 1956 - 1968 | Cohen, Leonard |
5740 | Poetry for Supper New Poems | Thomas, R.S |
5741 | Translations from the Chinese | Morley, Christopher |
5780  | Five Pieces of Runic Poetry Translated f... | Unknown Author |
5781  | The Cauldron of Annwn | Thomas Evelyn Ellis |
5799 | The Poetical Works of Rupert Brooke | Keynes, Geoffrey |
5886  | The Works of Edmund Spenser | Spenser, Edmund |
5890 | Permanence and Other Poems | Arlett, Vera I |
6008 | The Lover's Missal | MacKay, Eric |
6009 | The Poems of George Herbert | Rhys, Ernest |
6011 | The Poems of R. W. Emerson | Lewin, Walter |
6015 | The Years Between | Kipling, Rudyard |
6016 | Barrack-room Ballads and Other Verses | Kipling, Rudyard |
6027 | The Pocket Poets: John Betjeman | Betjeman, John |
6028 | Quiet Thoughts | Strong, Patience |
6035 | Complete Poetry and Selected Prose and L... | Whitman, Walt |
6037 | Poems By Robert Herrick | Herrick, Robert |
6038 | Elfin Music: An Anthology | Waite, Arthur Edward |
6039 | Poems of William Wordsworth | Wordsworth, William |
6046 | England 1940 and Other Poems | Arlett, Vera.I |
6056 | The Hound of Heaven | Thompson, Francis |
6057 | Thy Will be Done | Gallarati-scotti |
6065 | By the Way of the Gate Volume II | Cayzer, Charles |
6079 | Complete Poems of Robert Frost | Frost, Robert |
6085 | Birds, Beasts and Flowers | Lawrence, D. H. |
6109  | Epistles, Odes and Other Poems | Moore, Thomas |
6110  | The Vision of Sir Launfal | Lowell, James Russell |
6114 | The Poetical Works of George Herbert and... | Herbert, George & Heber, Reginald |
6115 | Popular English Specimens of the Greek D... | Unknown Author |
6124 | Collected Poems 1934 - 1952 | Thomas, Dylan |
6129 | The Poems of Francis Thompson | Thompson, Francis |
6286 | Collected Poems: First Series | Davies, W. H. |
6287 | The Daffodil Poetry Book | Fowler, Ethel L. |
6361 | The Works of Alexander Pope Volumes III ... | Pope, Alexander |
6406 | Poetry for Supper New Poems | Thomas, R.S |
6407 | The Collected Poems of A.E Housman | Housman, A.E |
6408 | Selected Poetry | Campbell, Roy |
6409 | The Collected Poems of G.K Chesterton | Chesterton, G. K. |
6410 | Kingdom of Love and Other Poems | Wheeler, Ella |
6411 | Queen Mary 1867 - 1953 | Pope - Hennessy, James |
6460 | Illustrated British Ballads | Smith, Barnett. Barnett |
6775 | The Poetical Works of Geoffrey Chaucer | Chaucer, Geoffey |
6776 | The Lay of the Last Minstrel | Scott, Walter |
6777 | The International Library of Famous Lite... | Garnett, Richard |
6875 | Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam | Khayyam, Omar |
6878 | The Poetical Works of John Cunningham | Cunningham, John |
6884 | Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam | Khayyam, Omar and Edward Fitzgerald |
6887 | The Poetical Works of Robert Downing | Browning, Robert |
6888 | London's Lure an Anthology | Melville, Helena Lewis |
6906 | The Works of the Ettrick Shepherd Poems ... | Thomson, Rev. Thomas |
6907 | The Miscellaneous Works of Tobias Smolle... | Smollett, Tobias |
6921 | Doctor Syntax in Paris or a Tour in Sear... | Combe, William |
6927 | Right Royal | Masefield, John |
6945 | Fifty 'Bab' Ballads | Gilbert, W. S. |
6952  | The Works of Edmund Spenser | Spenser, Edmund |
6974 | The Light Of Asia | Arnold, Sir Edwin |
6975 | The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam | Khayyam, Omar |
6983 | The Iliad of Homer | Pope, Alexander |
6990 | The Poetical Works of Alfred Tennyson Vo... | Tennyson, Alfred |
7001 | Collected Poems of Thomas Hardy | Hardy, Thomas |
7002 | The Collected Poems of John Masefield | Masefield, John |
7004 | An Anthology of Catholic Poets | Leslie, Shane (ed.) |
7005 | Modern Verse | Jones, Phyllis M. |
7006 | Song at the Year's Turning | Thomas, R. S. |
7008 | Selections from the Poetical Works of Ro... | Browning, Robert |
7009 | Poems of To-day: An Anthology | Various |
7010 | The Waste Land and Other Poems | Eliot, T. S. |
7011 | The Collected Poems of Roy Campbell | Campbell, Roy |
7012 | Collected Shorter Poems 1927 - 1957 | Auden, W. H. |
7013 | Poems of Tennyson 1829 - 1868 | Tennyson, Alfred |
7014 | A Kipling Anthology Verse | Kipling, Rudyard |
7015 | Herbert's Poems and Country Parson | Herbert, George |
7016 | The Oxford Book of English Verse 1250 - ... | Quiller-Couch, Arthur |
7017 | The Albatross Book of Living Verse | Untermeyer, Louis (ed.) |
7018 | Flame in the Dark | Naumann, Anthony |
7019 | Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats | Eliot, T. S. |
7020 | John Donne Complete Poetry and Selected ... | Hayward, John (ed.) |
7021 | The Oxford Book of Victorian Verse | Quiller-Couch, Arthur |
7022 | The Poems of George Herbert | Herbert, George |
7028 | Poetry For You | Lewis, C. Day |
7032 | The Poems of Robert Browning | Browning, Robert |