Book No. |
Title |
Author |
6 | Meetings with Remarkable Trees | Pakenham, Thomas |
25 | English Forests and Forest Trees | Unknown Author |
201 | Trees in Britain, Europe and North Ameri... | Phillips, Roger |
202 | Conifers for Your Garden | Bloom, Adrian |
236 | Wayside and Woodland Ferns: a Guide to t... | Step, Edward |
250 | Trees and Shrubs: Hardy in the British I... | Bean, W.J. |
308 | The Forest Trees of Britain | Johns, Rev. C.A. |
315 | Trees | Harvey Kelman, Janet |
349 | The Illustrated Book of Trees and Shrubs | Lawrence, Eleanor |
355 | Trees in Britain, Europe and North Ameri... | Phillips, Roger |
385 | I Planted Trees | St. Barbe Baker, Richard |
398 | Trees and the English Landscape | Edwards, Paul |
406 | Trees & Shrubs for English Gardens | Cook, E.T. |
409 | The Forest Trees of Britain | Johns, Rev. C.A. |
449 | Shrubs and Trees for the Smaller Garden | Perry, Frances |
450 | Garden Trees and Shrubs | Wright, Walter P |
456 | Everyman's Wild Flowers and Trees | Hadfield, Miles |
680 | Trees and Shrubs for English Gardens | Cook, E.T. |
808 | Beautiful Flowering Shrubs, Trees and He... | Clarke Nuttall, G. |
897 | Trees and the English Landscape | Edwards, Paul |
902 | A Pocket Book of British Trees | Boulton, E. H. B. |
965 | Trees and Shrubs of New Zealand | Poole, A. L. & Adams, Nancy M. |
2309 | Holly, Yew & Box with Chapters on Other ... | Dallimore. W |
3427 | The Care & Repair of Ornamental Trees | Le Sueur, A.D.C. |
4827 | Trees and Shrubs in My Garden | Stevens, T.H.G |
5001 | The Wonderful Weald | Beckett, Arthur |
5360 | Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British Is... | Bean, W.J. |
5397 | The Garden for Expert and Amateur | Ellis, E. T. |
5398 | Wall Shrubs and Hardy Climbers | Bean, W.J. |
5834  | Trees, Plants, and Flowers Their Beautie... | Lee, R |
6162 | Flowering Cherries | Chadbund, Geoffrey |
6428 | The Pruning of Trees, Shrubs & Conifers | Brown, George. E |
6429 | The Pruning of Trees, Shrubs & Conifers | Brown, George. E |
6544 | British Trees | Hadfield, Miles |
6638 | Japanese Maples | Momiji and Kaede |
6644 | Forests of British Columbia | Whitford, H. N. & Craig, Roland D. |
6649  | Trees and Shrubs | Loudon, J.C. |
6950 | Meetings with Remarkable Trees | Pakenham, Thomas |
7173 | Trees and Flowers of the Countryside | Step, Edward |
7843 | Miniature Trees in the Japanese Style | Severn, Gillian E. |
8252 | The Fruit Garden | Bunyard, George & Thomas, Owen |
8451 | The Gardener's Chronicle and Agricultura... | Unknown Author |
8452 | The Gardener's Chronicle and Agricultura... | Unknown Author |
8453 | The Gardener's Chronicle and Agricultura... | Unknown Author |
8454 | The Gardener's Chronicle and Agricultura... | Unknown Author |
8455 | The Gardener's Chronicle and Agricultura... | Unknown Author |
8456 | The Gardener's Chronicle and Agricultura... | Unknown Author |
8457 | The Gardener's Chronicle and Agricultura... | Unknown Author |
8458 | The Gardener's Chronicle and Agricultura... | Unknown Author |
8459 | The Gardener's Chronicle and Agricultura... | Unknown Author |
8460 | The Gardener's Chronicle and Agricultura... | Unknown Author |
8461 | The Gardener's Chronicle and Agricultura... | Unknown Author |
8462 | The Gardener's Chronicle and Agricultura... | Unknown Author |
9133 | English Commons and Forests | Shaw Lefevre, Rt. hon. G. |
9236  | Famous Trees | Baker, Professor Robert |
9475  | Voices from The Woodlands, Descriptive o... | Roberts, Mary |
9629  | The Fruit Grower's Guide | Wright, John & Horace |
9670  | Sylva Britannica | Strutt, Jacob, George |
9684  | The Indian Forest Memoirs | Troup, R. S. |
10074 | Profitable Fruit-Growing for Cottagers &... | Wright, John |
10528 | A Manual of the Coniferae | Unknown Author |
10684 | Handbook of the New Zealand Flora | Hooker, J. D. |
10765 | Illustrations of the Principal Natural O... | Oliver, Professor |
10766 | Illustrations of the Principle natural O... | Oliver, D. |
10767 | Flora Brasilerra (3 vols) | Alzugaray, Dominigo & Catia |
10846 | Flora Conspicua: A Selection of the Most... | Morris, Richard |